Just a few quick things to keep my faithful readers updated...
I had been fretting over what I should write for nanowrimo, which as you may know is now just five days away! Yes, November was creeping up on me, and with thoughts of my birthday and American Thanksgiving in my mind, I had no idea what my next book would be about. I think the problem was that I already have so many stories in the works that I didn't know where my next idea would come from. Someone even suggested that I take a story that I had barely started and run with that, but that felt dishonest somehow, now matter how few words had already been written. But I'm happy to say that I've finally come up with something decent to write. Now all I have to do is wait until next Thursday and start writing like a maniac.*
I feel sick, like I have a cold or "allergies" as my sister said it might be. And does anyone know what it's like to work two jobs when they're sick? And never have time for things like making actual meals, and buying new clothes, and writing The Best Best-Seller Ever? I'm quite aware that these are rather first-world problems, but sometimes I feel like I should share my misery. Don't worry - all the light, fun, fluffiness of my books will still exist in its own realm.
Things you can do if there is a lack of updates on my blog:
1) Buy my book and read it a few times.
2) Follow me on twitter @natasjaeby
3) Become of fan of my Goodreads author page
4) Start planning for your own nanowrimo challenge!
- Natasja
* The title and synopsis of which will be revealed on Tuesday!
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